Live Baccarat Strategies

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5 minutes October 23, 2019
Last updated: 4 years ago
Reading Time: 5 minutes

When playing in online casinos for a while, you come to a point where you realize that you need strategies. You are aware that playing just like that will take you nowhere. You’re far from winning anything big, and you’re desperately wishing you had a strategy that will help you out.

But the tricky part is, when playing games online, you can never predict the outcome. All online and live games run on a Random Number Generator. This is a device that uses an algorithm to generate only random results. In the table games case, it is the device that shuffles and reshuffles the deck before a card is revealed. Therefore, the old card counting trick doesn’t count in blackjack. You cannot use any trick to predict where the ball will fall in roulette. And you certainly have no idea which bet will win in live baccarat.

Play Baccarat Live!

So is there anything you can do to predict the outcome of a hand in any live casino table game? As it turns out, there are pro players that have dedicated their time to figure this out. And they have discovered some interesting strategies, especially when it comes to baccarat. To the untrained eye, using a strategy to win at an RNG-based table game is impossible. And while close to impossible, there are still some tricks you can use to win at baccarat.

The limited number of outcomes in baccarat actually make your job easier than in most other table games. You only have the tie, banker and player bet that can win. So, you have better odds at strategizing your way to not lose your bankroll. The method that we’re about to share was tested by the most brilliant baccarat players. So you can rest assured that it is successful. Well, in most cases. You know already that anything is possible in gambling. We cannot sugar-coat it and tell you that you will definitely win. If the cards are kind and you use a strategy, you may end up profiting. What this strategy will most certainly do is improve your odds.

live baccarat strategy
Live Dealer Baccarat

Pro Baccarat Strategy

In short, you will be betting on sequences or runs of results. To put it simply, you will make more money the longer the run is. The beauty in this strategy is that you don’t need to be a mathematician to figure it out. You just need to practice it. Soon you’ll get a hang of it, and you’ll see how simple and easy it is.

The thing is, if you take a look at the lifetime of the dealing shoe, you’ll see patterns. These patterns are what we call runs. There are so many different runs. And we’ll tell you which ones to avoid and which ones to bet on.

You’ll see that often the results have been Player/Dealer/Player/Dealer. These are the runs you need to avoid, as they will be losing streaks. But we can take that in our advantage, and soon you’ll learn why and how. Basically, you will be using odds and probability of something not happening or happening in your advantage.

This strategy is a mix of several well-known strategies, done to perfection. The premises are: you’ll double your next bet after losing a bet until you win again. Essentially, it is based on the Martingale strategy, which helps you wipe out previous losses. The secret is, though, knowing when to start betting and on what.

If you’re playing with $5 a hand, then you should have a bankroll of at least $155. This bankroll will allow for five losing bets in a row, and for a 16% profit eventually.

Now, you need to use Roadmaps to know when to start betting. You should wait until the last four hands in the shoe are the previously mentioned Player/Dealer/Player/Dealer (or vice versa). This is when you should start betting. You start betting on the last winner with 1x bet and keep on betting on it until you lose. Then, you should double your bet, and place it on the last winner. Repeat this until you win. When you win, reduce your bet back to 1x bet. Again, continue betting on the last winner until you lose again. The same process should be repeated all the time until you reach your budget or win limit. One last thing: if you see that it is a Tie, double your bet and stay where you are.

A Word of Advice, Just in Case

Let’s face it. There are no easy wins in gambling, be it online, live or land-based gambling. What can certainly make your play more enjoyable is sticking with structured approaches. Therefore, before you even go into learning this baccarat strategy, you should keep a few things in mind.

Maybe it will sound like a cliché, but you need to set a limit mentally on how much you can really spend. Once your budget is gone, you need to leave the table and go. Sticking to your budget is essential. On that note, set yourself a win limit, too. The minute you reach it, again, go and enjoy your profit.

Never chase losses. That’s how you get deeper and deeper in the game, and you forget about what we’ve discussed so far.

As mentioned, the strategy will help you stay focused. And if you keep all of this in mind, you’ll have a splendid gambling time. Be patient when using the strategy and follow the rules to the last dot. If you find yourself in a situation where you think you’d do better your way, forget about that. Stick to the strategy since there is a reason experts structured it that way. It’s because it works that way. And finally, after hitting your target win, leave the table, no matter however quickly that win occurred.

Live Baccarat Strategies FAQ

Yes, you most certainly can. Since this strategy revolves around betting on runs, if you follow it, you can place any side bet you want.

As explained, there are Roadmaps and deck lifetime patterns that actually prove you can use this strategy and win. It does not all come down to luck if you master the strategy and stick to it.

It is useless, even if you tried. First of all, the cards are reshuffled at the end of one and the beginning of the other hand. Then, you will lose track of the strategy and only create a mess. Finally, card counting, even if it were possible, does not work in baccarat as great as it does in blackjack.

Yes. Since there are many live games developers, you will find plenty of baccarat versions. You have No Commission Baccarat, Baccarat Controlled Squeeze, Progressive Baccarat, and Speed Baccarat, to name a few.