How to Choose a Live Poker Game?

Reading Time: 3 minutes As live casino games become more popular, developers are hard at work creating new variants. These modified versions of our existing favourites help keep them fresh and interesting. However, at some point, you may find yourself overwhelmed with choice. How do you go about choosing the best live dealer table?

Home » Recent Posts » How to Choose a Live Poker Game?
3 minutes June 3, 2020
Last updated: 4 years ago
Reading Time: 3 minutes

While this question rings true for all live casino games, it is especially true for poker! It has a great deal of different versions that were played actively before live casinos ever took off. Software providers then began to put their own twists on these variants, creating completely different games compared to the originals.

Our guide will help you filter through this vast expanse of games and find what you are looking for. It will require a lot of play testing on your end, but that much is unavoidable. By the end of this whole process, you will know what titles you enjoy. From there, it is just a matter of playing the most fun and lucrative tables!

Texas Hold’em or Not?

There is no denying the runaway success of Texas Hold’em. It is not the oldest version of poker, but it is the most popular. If you have recently frequented any casino, both physical and online, you will know this variant is king. We can certainly understand why. The shared cards speed things along while providing extra suspense. It keeps you guessing until the last possible second!

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Because of this, most live casino poker tables are based around this version. When you set out on your search, you will have to decide if you want to play something based on this poker variant. Both options give you plenty of games to choose from! Still, this distinction will point you in the right direction.

High RTP or Big Wins?

Every poker fan comes across this question at some point. Usually around the same time they discover the existence of Live Caribbean Stud Poker! Most variants we come across prioritize the low house edge poker is famous for. The exact percentage depends on the table and the conditions it gives you. A large number of live poker tables allow you to trim the house edge down to below 1%!

Versions based around Caribbean Stud Poker go in a different direction. They do not settle for frequent, small wins. Instead, they tempt punters with the promise of a massive jackpot, and let them chase after that! This usually results in a higher house edge than what you usually get from poker tables. However, the extra risk will be worth the shot at a massive payout for some players.

Gameplay Similarity

Existing poker fans often focus on the core poker experience. Forming the best combination while facing off against the dealer. It is a thrilling experience, but not one software providers strictly adhere to. Part of what makes live casino games so interesting is the fact developers sometime play around with these basic rules.

We understand that this will not be everyone’s cup of tea. However, players looking for something new and fun will probably have a blast with these variants. The best of this group is definitely Side Bet City by Evolution Gaming. It keeps the hand combinations poker is known for, but throws everything else out the window. It is an experience every fan of poker should try!

How Many Cards?

More cards means higher complexity. Of course, there are always exceptions to that rule, but we are talking about the majority of games. You may not enjoy playing live poker all that much. Maybe you find it a touch too complicated for your liking. Fortunately, there are simpler versions that you can check out. One we at often recommend is Three Card Poker.

The experience is similar enough to actual poker. However, having just three cards on both sides makes it much easier to learn all the card combinations. It allows for faster rounds, which may draw in veteran poker punters.

Summing Up

The world of live casino poker is vast! It offers such a huge variety of games that it would take you weeks to try all of them. However, by asking yourselves these questions, you can quickly narrow down your search. Read reviews and try out the tables that seem particularly interesting. Eventually, you will find the live poker game you are looking for!