Bac Bo vs Golden Wealth Baccarat: Similarities and Differences

Reading Time: 2 minutes Baccarat has seen plenty of changes in recent years. The simple gameplay loop initially attracted casino members who wanted something engaging and straightforward. However, that same simplicity was helpful for developers. It allowed them to add new mechanics to baccarat without significant hassles. For players, that means a shower of fun baccarat variants to play.

Home » Recent Posts » Bac Bo vs Golden Wealth Baccarat: Similarities and Differences
2 minutes February 2, 2022
Last updated: 2 years ago
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Evolution was at the forefront of this push for new types of baccarat to play. The team recently launched two exciting baccarat games that shake up its traditional gameplay loop. One of them is Golden Wealth Baccarat, while the other is Bac Bo. How will these two games stack up against each other?

Briefly About Bac Bo

Bac Bo’s launch came as a bit of a surprise to most players. It combined two things no one expected: baccarat and dice games! Even the name Bac Bo is an apparent reference to another popular live casino game called Sic Bo. Instead of using cards to play the game, the result of each round is determined using dice rolls.

Each round starts as usual. Players wager whether the banker or player will win or if the game will end in a tie. After the betting period ends, the four dice shakers on the table start shaking. They stop one by one. First on the player’s side, then on the banker’s side. The third dice stops depending on which side is currently in the lead.

Once all four shakers stop, the game adds the results up. The side with the better two dice total wins the round. If the dice totals are equal on both sides, it ends with a tie. There are no additional draws or extra features either. The top payout is 88:1.

A Glimpse at Golden Wealth Baccarat

Golden Wealth Baccarat caught the team at by surprise when it launched. Evolution already had one baccarat with multipliers: why introduce a new one? Even so, the game quickly became a player favourite owing to the awesome 1,310,720:1 top prize.

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Evolution’s release does not change any gameplay rules outside of adding multipliers. Instead, it funds multipliers by applying a 20% fee to your total bet.

What is Similar?

Surprisingly, very little! The two games both follow a standard baccarat ruleset. Players try to make their point total as close to nine as possible. Going over nine removes the first digit. That means your thirteen-point total suddenly becomes a three. However, that is where the similarities end.

What is Different?

The most blatant difference between the two games is how they are played. One sticks to a format familiar to baccarat players: cards. The other throws cards out the window and adapts familiar baccarat gameplay to dice. That alone is such a big difference that the two games were fated to be very different. However, Evolution did not stop there.

Golden Wealth Baccarat thrives on its multipliers. They are the core reason this release is as popular as it is. Meanwhile, Evolution went for a more straightforward approach for Bac Bo. It does not have multipliers of any kind to spice up its gameplay. Instead, it relies on the novelty of playing baccarat with dice to keep players coming back.

Bac Bo’s commitment to simplicity also extends to side bets. The game does not offer any side bets to casino members. Meanwhile, Golden Wealth Baccarat allows players to play player and banker pair side bets.

Which Should You Play?

Ultimately, we cannot recommend one game over another. Yes, both are baccarat games. That said, they are distinct from one another. One is a simple game with dice shakers, and the other tries to wow you with big wins and multipliers. No matter which game you pick, you can expect Evolution’s fantastic polish to come into play.