Feel the Excitement of Trading in Real Time with Stock Market Live

Reading Time: 3 minutes Trading stocks is a complicated process. It requires knowledge of how the market works and investigating what companies are doing well. Keeping up with broader economic trends is also necessary at times. As such, it’s no surprise that even people interested in buying and selling shares get overwhelmed and decide to throw in the towel.

Home » Recent Posts » Feel the Excitement of Trading in Real Time with Stock Market Live
3 minutes January 24, 2024
Last updated: 6 months ago
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Fortunately, Stock Market Live by Evolution is here to scratch the same itch without requiring much foreknowledge. The software provider boils the complexity down to guessing if the line will go up or down. Keep reading for an in-depth look into the game and whether it’s worth your time.

How it Works

You can tell someone at Evolution is a fan of trading stocks. The developer nails the look and feel of the game! It looks professional but has enough fancy flourishes to make playing it a treat.

Every round starts in the betting phase. You place your bet on the Up or Down button based on whether you think the stock value will rise or fall next round. The wagered money is added to your Portfolio and will grow or fall following the stock value.

Once the timer hits zero, the betting phase ends, and the trading session starts. The stock value chart will burst to life, with the line going up and down. The line will be red if the value is lower than at the start. However, if the value increases, the line will be green. Chart values are measured in percentages and simulated using a random number generator.

Stock value can fluctuate between +100% and -100% during the round. However, you cannot choose to cash out early like you can in crash games. Instead, you have to wait until the trading session ends, which happens when the line hits the right boundary of the chart. If you predicted the results correctly, you’ll receive the appropriate payout.

The game automatically starts the betting phase again when the trading session ends. Whether you win or lose, money in your Portfolio will automatically be re-wagered on the same bet. You can choose to keep the same stake, switch it, add even more money to the Portfolio, or cash out your winnings.

How Wins and Payouts Work

Your wins or losses equal the stock’s percentage change and initial bet. It sounds more complicated than it is, so we’ll break it down using examples.

  • You bet $5 on Up, and the stock value goes up by 50% on the round. You get your $5 back and win 50% of your Portfolio, worth $2.5.
  • If you repeat the same bet, but the stock value decreases by 50%, your Portfolio will be lowered by the same percentage. That means you’ll lose $2.5 and have $2.5 left for the next round.
  • If you bet on Down, the process works in reverse. Here, you gain money when the stock value goes down and lose it when it increases.

Cashing out your winnings comes with a 1% commission fee. Using our earlier example, having $5 in your Portfolio means you have to pay $0.05 to get the money back in your balance. That way, Evolution incentivises you to keep playing instead of constantly cashing out and adding money to your Portfolio again.


Summing up, Stock Market Live is an entertaining game that is accessible to everyone. The title’s 99% RTP and simple gameplay allow even casual punters to try their luck without breaking the bank.

It’s unlike any live dealer game we have had the pleasure of testing before. The closest thing we could compare it to are crash games, which are popular in crypto casinos. We were never big on stock trading, but Evolution may just tempt us to try it. Stock Market Live easily earns the livecasino24.com seal of approval and recommendation. We wholeheartedly suggest giving it a chance if you’re on the fence.

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